Shaping the future of nicotine

We are the largest and fastest growing group of independent nicotine companies in the world

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FDA authorisation breakthrough

Find out what the FDA Authorisation of four menthol-flavoured e-cigarette products mean for the global vaping industry.


10 years of Vapor Voice

Vapor Voice reflects on this defining decade, from early vaping devices, to the inception of disposables.

Our companies

With presence in Europe, Asia and North America, we span the globe, taking an open approach to providing consumers with a range of RRPs including vaping products, pouches and heat not burn products.

Our values

Value Our values

Put consumers first

We want to see consumers quit smoking. A switch to a reduced-risk product is a life-changing transition, and our role is to make the journey safer and more enjoyable.

Value Our values

Think big

Of the 1.3 billion smokers in the world today, we estimate almost 50% of them want to quit tobacco. We want to be able to reach them and to help them make a positive change to their lives.

Value Our values

Take responsibility seriously

Consumers need to better understand reduced-risk products, and those underage should never have access to them. We will always endeavour to educate adult smokers and guide their choice, and make every effort to prevent underage sales.

Value Our values

Be part of the solution. Make a difference

We aspire to help smokers change their relationship with nicotine. In this mission, regulatory compliance, health and environmental safety is vital and will always remain our foremost priority.

Our insights

Meet the Team: David Bass, Group Director of Communications

Meet the Team: Sabrina McLaughlin, Chief Financial Officer

Meet the Founder: Nigel Hardy, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Plxsur